The Clay County Christian Academy recently opened in Celina with an official ribbon-cutting attended by school officials, students, parents and elected officials.
NEW SCHOOL OPENS-Celina mayor Willie Kerr (left), chamber of commerce director Ray Norris (rear left) and county mayor Dale Reagan (right) are shown with students at the opening of the Clay County Christian Academy last week. Other elected officials present but not in the photo were State Rep. Les Winningham and Celina alderman Joey Locke. (Photos submitted)
STUDENTS AND TEACHERS-Teachers and the students at the new Clay County Christian Academy are (teachers, standing left to right) Beverley Young, kindergarten; Tiffany Andrews, principal and 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade teacher; and Ilse Lutz, pre-K. Students (not in order) are Jake Ashlock, Marlye Ashlock, Bella Ashlock, Peyton Young, Audra Wright, Elijah Andrews, Nathaniel Timms, Serinity Rich, Elizabeth Goney, Cole Heady, Cale Heady and (not photographed) Bobby Barr.