Spring Cleanup Week set for April 27-May 1
Clay County Government and the Clay County Highway Department, in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Transportation, are sponsoring the 10th annual Spring Cleanup Week April 27-May 1.
Any individual, group, or enterprise may contact the Sanitation Department at 243-4478 for county pickups for the following items: cardboard, plastic, appliances, scrap metal, furniture, etc.
Residents and business owners are encouraged to remove any trash on their properties. Groups who participate in the “Adopt A Highway” program are also asked to clean up their designated road or highway during this time. Trash may be left on the side of the road, but you will need to call the Sanitation Department at 243-4478 with the location for pickup.
“Everyone’s cooperation is needed to make the week a success,” said a project spokesperson. “Your efforts are appreciated.”