Bill Fiskes Bugle – January 22, 1941
Defense training program set for Clay youths
W.F. Brown, member of the Clay County Board of Education, said Wednesday that plans are being made for participation in the new defense training program for out-of-school rural and non-rural youth.
The courses expected to be given are elementary in nature and are the first steps in the education for training of defense workers, Brown said.
Members of the Clay County Farm Bureau will elect their officers within the next few days, according to a decision reached at a banquet sponsored by the State Farm Bureau held at Standing Stone State Park last Friday night.
J.F. Porter, State Farm Bureau president, was the principal speaker and Charlie Vaughn was toastmaster. Miss Lillian Robinson presented the 4-H Club members and Misses Carrie Lou Maxey, Patricia Kennedy and Elise Donaldson played a program of musical selections.
One of a series of eight National Defense Loan meetings being sponsored by the Tennessee Bankers’ Association will be held at Carthage on Wednesday of this week, E.P. Fowler, cashier of the Bank of Celina, said Monday.
R.M. Langford is confined to his room with influenza.
Mr. Tom Garrett is seriously ill at his home in the Old Town.
Mr. A.S. Kemp of Hermitage Springs was in Celina on Tuesday.
Get your Plate Lunch at the Sunny Side Cafe – 25 cents.
Mrs. Lucy Langford has returned from a short visit with friends and relatives in Holdenville, Oklahoma.
The core drilling and surveying on the dam site in the Dale Hollow, near Celina, which has been underway for 30 days, was completed last week.
The proposed dam is to be a structure more than 1,700 feet long and more than 200 feet high, and will make a large lake covering a large number of acres in the very best land in Clay County, as well as farming land in Overton and Pickett Counties.
The dam, if constructed, will be one of the links in the program of the United States government in the soil conservation program, and is to be used in the national defense program.