School year to end as first scheduled
At the March meeting of the Clay County school board, it was announced the original school ending date of May 21, 2010 would remain in place despite an abundance of days missed due to inclement weather this past winter.
Because Clay County schools are in session an extra 30 minutes each day, the system has 13 days that can be used to cover snow days and all of those were exhausted this year.
The only change will be a pair of staff development days–where students would have not attended school and teachers would have participated in training, will now become regular school days.
“If no more days are missed there will be no changes except that April 30 and May 20 will be school days instead of staff development days,” the minutes from the meeting said.
According to the meeting’s minutes, other action taken at the school board’s March regular session included:
• a moment of silence taken “to honor the memory of Mary Ann Evans, music teacher at Celina K-8 and Hermitage Springs School, who died recently,”
• the approval of the contract with the Clay County Teacher’s Association,
• the approval of a bid from American Foodservice Equipment Company in the amount of $21,799 for a walk-in cooler at Celina K-8, and
• the approval of several trip requests, including Clay County High School FFA to the state meat judging on March 19-20, Clay County High School FFA to the state FFA convention on March 28-31, and Clay County High School FCCLA to the leadership convention on April 6-8, 2010.