Bill Fiske’s Bugle
Volume 31, Number 50 • December 10, 1941
Upton gets award for general farm improvement by FSA
At the first annual meeting of Clay and Pickett County FSA borrowers in the Celina High School building Saturday, Turner Upton was awarded a prize for having made the most distinguished record in general farm improvement during 1941.
Principal speakers on the occasion were J.T. Marier and Mrs. Sam Harward, District Supervisor of the FSA.
Pine Branch News
Farmers are busy preparing their tobacco crops for the Market, after having done a considerable amount of fall plowing.
Several families from this section attended the FSA meeting at Celina on Saturday.
B.G. Edens, who was taken to a Glasgow hospital recently, is slowing improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Houston Coe are visiting friends in Tompkinsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie George Roberts have moved to Celina, where the farmer is employed by Ned Maxey and Son.
Albert Gore, 4th District Member of Congress, is scheduled to deliver the principal address to the Clay County Farm Bureau at their annual banquet at the Celina High School Thursday, December 18.
At Saturday night’s meeting, the Canton Lodge 636, Fand A.M. elected the following officers to serve for the year 1942, George Abney, Worshipped Master; J.M. Hamilton, Senior Warden; Tony B. Maxey, Junior Warden; R.L. Donaldson, Treasurer; J.D. Buchanan, Secretary; E.P. Fowler, Senior Deacon; W.F. Waddle, Junior Deacon; W. Grady Sidwell, Tiler Master; J.T. Overstreet, Senior Steward; J.H. Overstreet, Junior Steward and W.F. Brown, Chaplain.
C.T. Hogan and Jack Clark of Mt. Pisgah Lodge 481 of Willow Grove attended the meeting.
Moss News
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Henley of Bowling Green, Ky. are visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Netherton are the proud parents of a baby girl.
Nemo Halsell of Arcola, Illinois is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Halsell. He will enter the army January 15.
Sgt. Dewey Clinton has returned to Camp Forrest after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marson Clinton.
Leo Claney is very sick at his home near Moss.
Mr. and Mrs. Dencil Spears are the parents of a baby girl.