Bill Fiske’s Bugle
Volume 27, Number 33 • August 25, 1937
Football practice at CHS began last week
Football practice started in earnest at Celina High School last week with 25 boys reporting to Coaches Karl Monroe and Dan Masters for practice. Since very few, if any, of the boys have played football, it is necessary for the coaches to build their team out of new material. Work is progressing rapidly.
A scrimmage game is slated this week.
With the election of officers at a meeting Monday night, work on staging the Clay County Free Fair, to be held here September 30, October 1 and 2, began immediately.
Officers elected were as follows: C.W. Burris, president; J.B. Bailey, vice-president; Guy B. Johnson, secretary; and E.P. Fowler, treasurer.
Work on the oiling of the Cordell Hull Parkway from the Monroe County, Kentucky line, a distance of nine miles, has been completed by state forces.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sewell of Willow Grove were in Celina on Sunday.
A.G. Greenup made a business trip to Michigan this week.
Will Hall Sullivan, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation of Lafayette, will be the principal speaker at Willow Grove next Friday night at a meeting which will be held in the interest of rural electrification.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rudolph of Chicago, Illinois are visiting friends and relatives in and near Celina.
LOST – small yellowish-red Shepherd dog. Answers to the name of “Jack”. Information as to the whereabouts of this dog will be appreciated.
J.C. Hamilton, Celina, Tenn.
Showing at Dixie Theatre
Wednesday, September 1, 1937
8:00 p.m.
Bob Steele
“Smokey Smith”
Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Windle and Mr. and Mrs. Vestal Rusk of Granite, Oklahoma are visiting friends and relatives in Celina.
Henry Poor was in Hartsville on Monday.