Bill Fiske’s Bugle
Volume 29, Number 3 • January 18, 1939
Cooper named 39th governor
Prentice Cooper of Shelbyville became Tennessee’s 39th governor at noon Monday. An overflowing crowd at War Memorial Auditorium saw Chief Justice Grafton Green of the Tennessee Supreme Court administer the oath of office to Cooper.
Among those from Celina who were present for the inaugural ceremonies were J.B. Hamilton, H.H. Windle, Robert Johnson, Roy Maynord, Lester Brown, J.H. Reneau, J.P.Dale, Miss Lou Hamilton and W.G. Sidwell.
Judge O.K. Holloday of Cookeville made history when he cleared the circuit court docket of all cases here before closing the session Wednesday of last week.
It is said that this is the first time such a thing has happened in the history of the county. No cases were left pending, and no cases were appealed.
The wedding of Miss Grace Baxter and Mr. James Oliver was solemnized Saturday, January 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Masters with Bro. Willie Hunter officiating.
Showing at the Dixie Theatre Sunday, January 22, on the Stage “The Roving Cowboys” WLAC Radio stars, on the screen “Rose of Rio Grande,” adm. 15 and 25 cents. Thursday, January 26 matinee and night shows, presenting “In the Valley of the Giants,” a picture in full technicolor.
Plans for Clay County’s 1939 agriculture program were mapped Friday at a meeting of agricultural leaders of the county with A.J. Caldwell from the University of Tennessee, County Agent Charles Vaughn and his assistant, M.L. Fowler.
The Girl Scouts of Celina, under the supervision of Miss Olyne Hogan and Elizabeth Stone entertained with a birthday party and marshmallow toast in honor of Doris Dale Kyle on her eleventh birthday, Thursday, January 6.
Joining with other towns and cities over the nation, Celina is making plans for the President’s birthday January 30.
In addition to the annual ball, a March of Dimes week will be held prior to the dance.
All money raised will be used in the prevention and cure of infantile paralysis.