Bill Fiske’s Bugle
Volume 27, Number 41 • October 20, 1937
Clay County’s oldest citizen passes away
John William Estepp, 93, of Willow Grove, Clay County’s oldest citizen, died last week in the community where he was reared and spent his entire life, following a short critical illness. Burial took place in the Moredock Cemetery after funeral services had been conducted at the Willow Grove Church of Christ, of which he was a member.
He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ida Dale of Celina and Mrs. John Fite of Willow Grove; and two sons, Com Estepp and Porter Estepp of near Willow Grove.
R.R. Riley, who has been sick for the past few weeks, is reported much better.
Mrs. T.V. Brown and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Riley Loftis last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Goodpasture left on Saturdary enroute to Tipton, Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Overstreet and Mrs. Edna Overstreet were in Cookeville on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coffee and Misses Jewell Coffee, Irene Stone, and Florence Tidwell attended the singing at Antioch in Jackson County on Sunday.
Arcot News
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Atchley are the parents of a baby boy born October 14.
Misses Lavella Brown and Marie Smith spent Saturday night with Miss Glade Baxter.
Mrs. Ada Brown and children and Mrs. Iva Brown and children are visiting relatives near Pine Hill.
Melic Cherry has returned from a week’s visit in Texas.
Miss Marie Stone spent Tuesday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Haile have returned from a visit with relatives in Texas.
Mesdames Benton McMillan and Willard Maynard of Livingston were the guests of Mrs. E.P. Fowler on Sunday.