Bill Fiske’s Bugle
Volume 32, Number 23 • June 10, 1942
Buying of saving bonds and stamps soared to a new height
The buying of War Savings Bonds and Stamps soared to a new height in Clay County and Celina during May. The Bank reported a total sale of bonds with a maturity value of $16,875. The post office at Celina has reported the sale of bonds amounting to $725 during May, and the selling of as high as $600 worth of War Savings Stamps in one day.
Albert Gore has again gained nation-wide publicity. This time it’s for his efforts to curb inflation and appeared in the form of a feature story published by the Pathfinder, America’s oldest weekly news publication in its May 23rd edition. The story was accomplished by a large picture of Gore appearing on the cover.
Private Cordell Parsons of Ft. Knox, Kentucky spent the past weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Parsons.
Miss Nelle Lynch is visiting her sister in Louisville, KY.
For your Father’s Day gifts go to the B.C.D. Company.
Misses Nellie Gates and Elizabeth Reneau, who have been attending TPI, are home for their summer vacation.
Corporal Herod Birdwell, Jr. was home recently on a ten day furlough from Camp Roberts, California.
A box supper and pie supper featuring the usual contests will be staged for the benefit of the Celina Parent Teacher Association in connection with the Hot Lunch program, at the Celina High School building Thursday night, June 18.
Miss Helen Masters of Nashville spent the weekend in Celina.
Hugh Perdue of near Celina is working on the Wolf Creek dam project.
This week’s special at McNeil’s Model Market
homemade sausage 30 cents lb.
Sally Ann Bread per loaf 10 cents
Breakfast Bacon 33 cents lb.