Bill Fiskes Bugle – June 7, 1939
Celina officials are elected without opposition
E.P. Fowler became Celina’s new mayor in a race without opposition in an election held Tuesday. Mayor Fowler succeeds Mayor J.B. Hamilton.
Fred Maxey, Cecil Buford and J.P. Dale were the aldermen elected, and they too were unopposed.
A new oil well, estimated to make by the drillers 200 barrels a day, was brought in last week on the Amos Stone farm, one and a half miles north of Celina, on the western bank of the Cumberland River.
The oil came in flowing after the bit had struck the Upper Sunnybrook sand at a depth of 250 feet, according to J.H. Overstreet and V.C. Sparks, who drilled the well. The well is owned by M.T. Coats of Sulphur Well, Kentcky and L. Lohman of Appleton, Wisconsin.
Members of the Chamber of Commerce heard an address by Mr. Arthur Cundra of Birmingham, Alabama, National Secretary of Civitan Clubs, at the meeting on Monday night.
Robert Reecer of Tompkinsville attended the meeting in the interest of a road from Turkeyneck Bend to connect with the Kettle Creek road.
Postmaster A.J. Dale has returned from the meeting of the postmasters in Chattanooga, at which Postmaster General James Farley was the principal speaker.
Mesdames Willie T. Cherry, Landon Anderson and Joe Williams were in Livingston on Saturday
Macedonia News
Farmers have been busy setting their tobacco for the past few days.
A large crowd attended Memorial Day services here on Tuesday.
Mrs. Buford Rich and Joe Burnette attended the funeral of Milton Masters at Celina on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Rich and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Rich visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Green on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mace Goad and children made a business trip to Glasgow on Saturday.
The Clay County Board of Equalization, composed of Lewis Langford, Oss Meadows, O.N. Cherry, Bob Upton and Virgil Cherry, are in session here this week to equalize assessments of both real and personal property this year.