Clay County Dancing Seniors, Horse Club visit CHRC residents

Local groups efforts help raise spirits
CELINA-Residents here at Celina Health and Rehabilitation Center (CHRC) enjoyed visits from a pair of local groups earlier this month, including the Clay County Dancing Seniors and the Clay County Horse Club.
“Residents were extremely honored and appreciative to receive a recent visit from Clay County Dancing Seniors,” CHRC officials said. “The group provided entertainment for staff and residents, followed by a time of visiting and fellowship with each other.
“The entertainment was wonderful and enjoyed by everyone immensely.
“The community is extremely fortunate to have these special ladies, who so freely give their time and efforts to benefit others.”
Residents, staff, and family members also enjoyed an exciting afternoon of outdoor activities with the local horse club, including a petting zoo, games, horse show and much more.
“The local club brought their horses and amused the residents with barrel and pole racing, egg and spoon races, tug of war, just to name a few of the exciting activities provided,” officials said. “The younger members were actively involved by participating in stick horse races and showing their horses with the lead line event.
“The petting zoo was a big attraction, which included a potbellied pig, rooster, bunny, and a raccoon.
“CHRC residents enjoyed interacting with the club members, watching all the activities, eating the cool refreshments, loving the animals, and all the excitement the Clay County Horse Club provided.
“Thank you so much for the impressive event you sponsored for the residents at Celina Health and Rehab!”