CITY ELECTION UPDATE: Multiple candidates qualify prior to Thursday deadline
Aldermen increase ready to be ratified
CELINA-With the qualifying deadline looming Thursday, two mayoral and seven alderman candidates have qualified to run in the upcoming City of Celina Election to be held here on Tuesday, June 3, according to local election administrator Monica Davis.
A total of three others have also picked up papers, but had yet to return them to Davis’ office with the required 50 signatures as of HORIZON press time Monday.
Incumbent mayor Luke Collins and former two-term mayor Willie Kerr have both qualified to run, while current vice-mayor and alderman Justin Rich has secured papers to run for mayor, but had yet to qualify.
Collins and Rich both took office in 2021, while Kerr served eight years as city mayor from 2009-2017.
The seven qualified candidates for alderman to start the week included incumbent Kenny Westmoreland, current Clay County commissioner Timmy Boles, former city mayoral candidate Micheal Boles, and Kenneth Dale, Tracy Mills, Christopher Hayes, and Patty Spears.
Dawn Dale, who ran for alderman in 2021, and Tammy Boles Norris have also picked up papers, but have yet to return them for qualification.
Potential candidates have until 12 noon Thursday to qualify, and the withdrawal deadline is at the same time the following Thursday, March 27.
Bill to increase
aldermen total
signed by Lee
A bill to increase the number of city aldermen from three to five has passed the Tennessee General Assembly and has been signed by Governor Bill Lee, according to
Davis published an election notice last month addressing the issue.
“Currently, the number of aldermen to be elected is 3,” the notice stated. “However, if a proposed charter amendment is adopted by the General Assembly and ratified by the Board of Alderman for the Town of Celina, the number of aldermen to be elected will change to 5.”
The increase is expected to be ratified by the city at a called meeting set for Thursday at 6 p.m., according to a public notice published in this week’s HORIZON. The notice also appears below this online article.
The change was proposed locally in April of 2024, when Westmoreland suggested the increase.
It came up when aldermen were trying to decide who to appoint to fill the alderman seat vacated by the death of Winton Dillon, which was eventually filled by his daughter and current alderman Brittany Kerr.
Kerr was appointed by Collins, who broke a tie between Westmoreland and Rich under the legal statue of section 2.05 of the city charter, after the deadlock remained in place for 15 days.
Local aldermen approved the measure in June of 2024, when Westmoreland made a motion to change the number of aldermen to five, Kerr seconded the motion, and it passed by a 2-1 vote, with Rich voting no.
The bill was then introduced in the 114th Tennessee General Assembly in January, before being passed and signed by Lee last week.
Applications for
absentee ballots
have been mailed
Those eligible to vote in the upcoming city election include Celina residents and property owners, and Davis explained non-residents who own property within the city have been mailed absentee ballot applications.
“If a property owner that does not live within the city has not received an application, we ask that they please contact the election office,” Davis said.
Property owners already registered to vote in the city election were not mailed applications and can vote either in-person or by requesting an absentee by-mail ballot.
Those not registered to vote have until Monday, May 5 to do so, and absentee ballots can be requested now through Friday, May 23.
Early voting for the city election will begin on Wednesday, May 14 and continue through Thursday, May 29.
For more information on the upcoming election, contact Davis at 931-243-2536.