Clay County fairest earns award at state

GOLDEN SHOE-Jacqueline West, Clay County’s 2014 Fairest of the Fair, is seen with the “Golden Shoe Award” jewelry box. (photo submitted)

WINNING ENTRY-Commemorating the 2014 Clay County fair was this winning shoe designed by local pageant winner Jacqueline West.
NASHVILLE-Jacqueline West, Clay County Fairest of the Fair for 2014, recently competed in the state-wide pageant, winning the 2015 Golden Shoe award.
The Golden Shoe is presented to the contestant who designs and makes the best commemorative shoe. All pageant contestants are eligible for this prestigious award.
“The state fairest of the fair pageant was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I met so many people and made many new friends. I really appreciate all of the support I received from my family, the fair board, friends and everyone here at home. I could have not done it without you. Representing Clay County has been such an honor,” stated Jacqueline.
West is the daughter of David and Lori West of Celina.