Clay County Schools response to influenza for school year 2009-2010
NOTE: This guidance is designed to decrease exposure to regular seasonal flu and 2009 H1N1 flu while limiting the disruption of day to day activities and the vital learning that goes on in schools. CDC will continue to monitor the situation and update the current guidance as more information is obtained.
The decision to dismiss students will be made locally and will balance the goal of reducing the number of people who become seriously ill or die from influenza with the goal of minimizing social disruption and safety risks to children sometimes associated with school dismissal.
The overall impact of 2009 H1N1 should be greater in the spring, and school dismissals may be warranted, depending on the disease burden and other conditions.
Clay County Schools responses for the 2009-2010 school year:
• Stay home when sick-Those with flu like illness should stay home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever, or signs of a fever, without the use of fever-reducing medicines.
• Separate ill students and staff-Students and staff who appear to have flu-like illness will be sent to a designated room until they can be sent home. (Mask will be provided if needed.)
• Hygiene and respiratory etiquette-All classes and staff will be educated on the importance of this. Handwashing, covering mouths and noses with tissues, shirts, or elbow when sneezing or coughing will be emphasized. Signs will also be posted around the school as reminders.
• Routine cleaning-School staff will routinely clean areas after each class period and as needed with the recommended cleaners.
• Early treatment for high-risk students and staff-High risk students and staff will be educated on risk and signs of illness and necessary steps to take if they become ill. All students and staff will be made aware of updates and flu clinics as they become available.
• Emergency information-Parents, students, and staff will be educated on the importance of keeping all emergency information, including contacts, up to date and on file. These contacts are kept in the main office and nurses’ office for emergency situations. The school nurse also needs all health information kept up to date and accurate so they will know if a child is high risk.
• Active screening-Depending on the severity of disease and illness in the schools, students and staff will be checked for fever and other symptoms of flu when they get to school in the morning. Those who are ill will be sent back home as soon as possible. (This only applies for multiple cases of illness or absence in the schools.) The staff will be identifying students who appear ill and sending them to the school nurse to be screened.