Clay schools recommended for AdvancED accreditation
The Clay County School system has been recommended for accreditation by AdvanceED, the world’s largest education standards community, after a 3 day evaluation by a five member team who previously had no knowledge of the school system or Clay County.
The announcement was made at a called meeting of the Board of Education at which Superintendent Donnie Cherry expressed his thanks to everyone who took part in the quality assurance review. “Our great school system is a direct result of the entire community working together to secure our students’ educational opportunities.”, Cherry said.
The team began its work on Monday, March 14th and continued through Wednesday, March 16th visiting and evaluating each school, interview staff and students, and talking with parents. Operations of the schools were scrutinized as the team also spoke with community stake holders, school board members, and central office personnel.
The evaluation process revolved around the review of seven standards with comprehensive statements of quality practices and conditions that research and best practices indicate are necessary for schools to achieve quality student performance and organizational effectiveness. These seven areas were examined: 1) Vision and Purpose; 2) Governance and Leadership; 3) Teaching and Learning; 4) Documenting and Using Results; 5) Resources and Support Systems; 6) Stakeholder Communications and Relationships; 7) Commitment to Continuous Improvement.
The review team’s findings will be given to the AdvancED Accreditation Commission whose Board of Trustees will ratify the action and within thirty business days a letter from the President and CEO of AdvancED should confirm the accreditation.

NEW ACCREDITATION FOR SCHOOL SYSTEM-Members of the Board of Education and the superintendent receive news of a recommendation for accreditation by AdvanED from review team chair Judy Wesley. Back Row,L-R:Board Members Veda Hicks, Heather Hammock, Russell Cherry, Dickie Roberts, Todd Lynn, and Jerry Eads. Front Row, L-R: Board Chairman David West, Superintendent Donnie Cherry, Review team Chair Judy Wesley.