Moonshine Daze promoted on TV

TALKIN’ MOONSHINE-Susan Bailey (r) talks with moonshine researcher and author Scott Hunt (l) during recording of promotional video for the local Moonshine Daze festival planned for May 3rd through 5th. (photo submitted)
Submitted by Jan Carrol
Clay County-Three-Star Special Programs Director Susan Bailey recently teamed with Scott Hunt, author of the soon to be published book “Moonshine in America”, to film a number of public service announcements to be aired on Celina Cable channel 10 promoting the local Moonshine Daze festival.
Hunt, a member of a new breed of “moonshiner” who is researching, preserving, and sharing this colorful piece of American history, is also collaborating with the Moonshine Daze planning team to bring top rated entertainers to this years event scheduled for May 3rd through 5th, 2013 at the Clay County Recreation Complex/Fairground.
Moonshining in Tennessee is still with us, but has evolved into a “new brew” that is suitable for consumption by all ages. Nowadays, moonshine has been “distilled” into songs, TV shows, events like Moonshine Daze, as well as funny and inspiring books about the notable folk heroes straight from moonshine history. Moonshine is still with us through our history and reminiscing is legally sanctioned by the Revenuers, Federal Agents, and the local Sheriff.