Public Notices from the 3/12/25 Dale Hollow Horizon
WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated March 19, 2011, of record at Trust Deed Book 122, pages
439-441, Register’s Office of Clay County, Tennessee, Inry Perez Vazquez and Patricia Gimenez Nery,
conveyed in trust to James D. White, Jr., Trustee, that property hereinafter described to secure the
payment of a certain promissory note; and
WHEREAS, The Estate of Cornell Smith, Deceased, is presently the owner and holder of said
Promissory Note and Deed of Trust above referred to, securing the indebtedness therein mentioned; and
WHEREAS, default has occurred under the terms of the Promissory Note and the Deed of Trust,
thereby necessitating foreclosure, and The Estate of Cornell Smith, Deceased, has directed James D.
White, Jr., as Trustee, to immediately commence foreclosure on the subject property;
NOW THEREFORE this Trustee’s Notice of Sale, default having occurred in the payment of the
Promissory Note according to the terms and conditions thereof, and the Promissory Note being in default,
the undersigned, James D. White, Jr., Trustee, does hereby give notice that he, as attorney, and/or agent,
will sell the hereinafter described property on April 3, 2025, at the hour of 1:00 p.m., at the South door of
the Courthouse in Celina, Clay County, Tennessee, to the last, highest and best bidder, for cash in hand
and free from the rights of redemption, homestead, and dower, and all other exemptions of any kind, but
subject to any delinquent or current real property taxes on the property, and any valid mineral and/or oil
and gas leases. The property to be sold is described as follows, lying and being in the Ist Civil District of
Clay County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING on a 1/2″ pipe set at the southwest corner of a 20-foot wide r.o.w., the
northeast corner of this tract, a point in the boundary of a tract of land belonging to Odle
and Anderson, and a point in the outer boundary of the parent tract; thence leaving the
r.o.w., and with the boundary of the Odle and Anderson tract, South 15 degrees, 34
minutes, 09 seconds West 267.84 feet to a 1/2″ pipe in an old fenceline, the southeast
corner of this tract, and a point in the boundary of a tract of land belonging to Goolsby;
thence leaving the line of Odle and Anderson, and with the old fenceline and Goolsby,
North 78 degrees, 25 minutes, 01 seconds West 82.60 feet to a 1/2″ pipe in the fenceline,
being also a point in the boundary of a tract of land belonging to Reecer; thence leaving
the fenceline and Goolsby, and with the line of Reecer, North 23 degrees, 34 minutes, 16
seconds West 405.05 feet to a 1/2″ pipe set in Reecer’s East boundary; thence leaving the
line of Reecer, and severing the parent tract, South 67 degrees, 35 minutes, 13 seconds
East 340.50 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.3534 acres.
Also conveyed is the right of ingress and egress for the above described tract of land
through the aforementioned adjoining property of Odle and Anderson, lying to the
immediate east.
And being the same lands conveyed to Inry Perez Vazquez and Patricia Gimenez Nery by
warranty deed from Kent Smith and wife, Virginia Smith dated March 18, 2011, and
recorded in Deed Book 96, pages 216-217, Register’s Office of Clay County, Tennessee.
This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any
restrictive covenants; easements, or set back lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights or
redemption of any Governmental Agency, State or Federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as
any priority created by fixture filing; to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose;
and subject to, but not limited to the following parties who may claim an interest in the above referenced
property; Inry Perez Vazquez, Patricia Gimenez Nery and Cornell Smith, and subject to any party who
may claim an interest in the above referenced property.
The sale held pursuant to this notice may be rescheduled at the Trustee’s option at
any time.
This 5th day of March, 2025.
CASE NO. 2024-PR-22
In obedience to a decree of the Chancery Court of Clay County , T ennessee,
entered on the 21st day of October, 2024, by the Honorable Ronald Thurman,
Chancellor, in the above styled case, this sale will conducted as an Online
Auction with online bidding being offered at The sale
of this property will be conducted with the online opening bid beginning on
Saturday , March 8, 2025, at 10 a.m. and online bidding will close at 10 a.m. on
March 22, 2025, or five (5) minutes after the last bid is received and sell to the
highest and best bidder the property described in said decree.
Being a 1.98 acre tract as surveyed by Christopher M. Vick R.L.S. #2164 on
December 13, 2024, located in the 3rd Civil District of Clay County , T ennessee, at
2341 Turkey T own Rd, Hilham, T ennessee. (Reference T ax Map 087 Parcel 8.01
and Deed Book 113, page 27, Register’s Office of Clay County, T ennessee) A
double-wide manufactured home is located on the property with 3 bedrooms and
2 baths. Also located on the property is an outbuilding that has been previously
used as a 2 stall horse shed.
A legal description of the property may be had at the Office of the Clerk and
Master, 145 Cordell Hull Drive, Celina, T ennessee.
TERMS OF SALE: 20% paid down on the day of sale, with the balance due
and payable ten (10) days from the date of confirmation by the Court.
BIDDING SHALL BE LEFT OPEN: The Clerk & Master will leave the bidding
open for a period of ten (10) days thereafter. In the event that during said time
period, an additional bid is submitted to the Clerk & Master in a minimum amount
of ten (10%) percent above the final bid submitted at the public auction, a second
sale shall occur. The highest bid obtained shall be presented to the Court for
final confirmation.
Said property will be sold “as is, where is”, both surface and subsurface,
bidder invited to inspect prior to bidding.
For more information please contact the Clerk and Master’s Office at
931-234-3145, or come by the office at 145 Cordell Hull Drive, Celina,
T ennessee.
This 20th day of February , 2025.
L. Rene’ Davis, Special Commissioner
Evan Wright, Attorney