CHRC celebrates Social Work Month

CELINA-National Social Work Month is being celebrated during the month of March here at Celina Health and Rehabilitation Center “to acknowledge all that social workers do for our society,” officials with the local facility said.
The theme for Social Work Month 2025 is “Social Work: Compassion + Action.”
“Social Workers care about people (and) it is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States,” organizers of the monthlong celebration said. “They have a strong desire to help others, and help meet the basic human needs of all people. This is why the 2025 theme for Social Work Month is so fitting.”
CHRC officials also recognized their local director.
“Celina Health and Rehab is very fortunate to have an exceptional social services director in Annie Robertson, LPN,” they said. “She provides support and reinforcement needed by residents and their families, as the entire team strives for positive healthcare outcomes.
“The support Annie provides to staff and residents is a vital link in producing desired results for our short and long term residents.”
Robertson is from Gainesboro and is a graduate of the TCAT Nursing program in Livingston.
She has been employed at CHRC for the past four years, beginning as a CNA and then later as a LPN, before assuming her present role as social services director last month.
“CHRC is so thankful to have Annie in her present role and appreciate all her hard work and dedication to staff, families, and residents,” local officials said.